Thursday, 6 July 2017

Hardness in the dark

We are growing on the outside like little leaves. Fresh juicy new green is bordering us.
The Leaves are a manifestation of the unfolding feminine. Shakti is constantly pushing outward creating and multiplying.
But there is hardness too. From the sunlight, water and CO2 the leaves are forming cells.
Under each leave hardened twigs from lignin cells are formed to hold it and carry it up.
This hardness gives direction and strength.
It is hidden in the dark not visible at first and it seems unimportant, dead and dry.
Along the hardness it carries the lifegiving water and nutrients up and the stems therefore give essence and direction.
This simple plant in the harsh coastal environment mirrors and expresses the basic principles of life.
Life as a constant dance and exchange between feminine and masculine.

In this dance, both are not taking from, but feeding each other and growing together.

Friday, 9 June 2017

Morning on Low Tide Beach

We slept between the rocks. A night of slow and gentle loving, moving with the breath of the sea. Dancing from inhale to exhale with the waves rolling in and washing out, surfing close to eternity.
The morning was cold and fresh. As the light changed from dark diffuse blue to glittering brightness, as the sun rose over the mountain, we were waking feeling the warmth of our bodies.
Suddenly you left me. I saw you running through the gap between the rocks, your feet splashing the shallow water.
An ancient instinct awakes the wildness. I must catch you.
My feet are stirring up the softness of the waves. My heart is pounding, I see the mermaid jumping and I fear she will disappear forever in the sea after the sin of loving a mortal.

But she lets me catch her feet, to let me play with her in the crystal waters. 

Sunday, 4 June 2017

A Limpets Meditation

A limpet on a granite rock at the edge of the sea.
Sucking for life, holding fast, growing a hard shell.
Staying alive between a rock and a hard place.
Washed over by waves, dried out by the wind baked, by the sun.
Soft and juicy inside, contracted for protection.
Between the waves, when the tide changes there is a time of uneasy calm, a time to relax. This is the time to grow and stretch out little feelers.
Very tiny at first, growing longer and more eager with every sensing.
In between crashing movements and washing waters there is a time when the water is still, before it floats back and the rocks are bare. This is the time to relax and feel.
As the sensations come in, the limpet will be loosening its grip and start to move.

Contracting, holding, relaxing, feeling and moving with every breath of the sea, this is the meditation of the limpet.

Friday, 12 September 2014

Street Photography in the CBD

I went to learn shooting from the hip with my camera this afternoon.
It was great fun and here are the results. The images were shot around Long Street in the CBD. Snapshots of city life.
Exploding knowledge.
Fashion versus Religion.
How can we help you? - Learn English.
City speed
A bag full of Cape Town.
Outlook on life.

Sunday, 31 August 2014

Muizenberg Sunrise

Today was another glorious winter days which one can only find in the Cape. I went for a walk above Kalk Bay very early and stopped on the way to catch the sun rise.
 The air was cold and calm and in a strange contrast the sea was wild.
St. James is sleeping.
An angler standing on a rock like in a morning prayer preparing for the day.
 The sun paints the sky as a prelude for the great concert.
In this moment everything changes.
The stage of the world lights up.
What a beautiful new day.

Saturday, 23 August 2014

Oranjezicht City Farm - Saturday morning shopping ritual

Well known by the locals the Oranjezicht City Farm market becomes more and more popular. Set under old oak trees it is my source for really good food for body and soul.

Buying fresh organic veggies,
delicious breads,
and a visit to my favorite cheese lady are my Saturday morning ritual.
This food lovers heaven even gives wings to the young oaks.
The farm garden invites to wonder, rest and meditate.
The sunflower paints its mandalas.

The garden is a mandala in itself with a fish pond in its center.
I see its sounds and hear its colours along the flowing axis between the mountain and the city, a mantra offering refreshment for body and soul.
And as I leave a row of little bells is ringing a good bye song.

Sunday, 10 August 2014

Newlands Forest Story

The Cape Town winter can have some summer days like this weekend.
The rising sun paints the forest in beautiful colors.
Golden shadow stripes lead the way.
Fern embryos are born in a loving embrace.
A spider is guarding his net in the morning dew.
 Stars are shining along the way.
A rocky path leads deep into the mystery of the forest.
Chaos reigns deep in the woods.
It is dark; death and decay are greeting me.
I meet my old friend, a crone of a tree. I feel her connection deep in the ground to all living beings.
She carries the sorrow and pain of aeons.
As I continue I meet other trees growing tall into the light.
The eucalyptus trees grow as high as the sky.

Cork oaks carry their story carved out of their bark.
I see a little seed settling on a fallen tree. Will it grow and tell a story one day?

Connecting to the Rocks

  When I swim in the sea, I am close to and surrounded by the granite boulders which are so typical for the Cape coast. The rocks are calmin...