minute the sun is setting somewhere over our planet, painting the sky.
Where there
is an open space, people tend to gather to watch this spectacle unfold.
They are
fascinated by the subtle changes in colour created by the sun and clouds on
this gigantic canvas.
Sunset and sunrise are an important part of our world and mythology.
At the same
time, they are one big illusion, a mirage from light and water vapor, a fiction
our mind makes from the sensory input of the eyes.
There is nothing
solid in this ever-changing sky.
Is it real?
Yes, it is born anew from the
vibration of light interacting with the moving vapors in every minute.
It is the same with the world we live in. We sense movements and vibrations.
We sense the
energy around us and moving through us.
Our so solid world is created through sensing and computing in our body and inside of our heads.
Our mind constantly paints a picture of solidity and plausibility.
However, there is an interaction between the chaos of vibrations and our mind.
Our senses are touched. They are touched by the Eros of the universe.
From this caressing, from
this loving touch, everything is born.
Watching a sunset is like watching this act of love.
Maybe that is why we are so
fascinated by it, again and again.