In the giant
green house in the Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens stands a Baobab tree.
I felt him
watching me taking photos through an eye in his bark.
The eye of the baobab
looks like a galaxy, a galaxy on the skin and an image of the depth inside.
Maybe something
has been dropped into this bubbling pulsating network of fibers and nodes.
see life moving.
This image
is a snapshot, frozen in time, of the eye taking in what it sees.
But my mind
tells me that there is no movement on the bark of the tree.
Could it be
that the baobab has his own speed as he sees with nearly still slowness?
and pulsating take place and flow in baobab time.
I believe in
nature every being has its own time. There is a time of the flower, a time of the
bee, a time of the rock, a time of the wind and a time of the human being in each moment.
I can stop
and feel into the baobab time
and for a moment I forget the idea that my time
measures all what is happening.
Time stands
still and loses its relevance.