Sunday, 20 October 2019

Field of Fossils

At Rogge Cloof, near Sutherland I saw a field of fossils. 
Rust coloured stones with the structure of bones. 
Walking along the dusty track I step careful not to disturb this resting place.

Awe fills me in this 250 Millon year old graveyard.
This is an unimaginable time, from the disaster when these animals drowned in a flood and were covered with silt, becoming bones buried for eternity.

The bones are fossilized. Minerals have been exchanged. The life force of these mighty creatures left an imprint, a 3D image of what once was living and juicy.

Modern science knows, that there is actually no time. What we experience as time is a construct of our mind to help us navigate existence.
250 million years in this moment, my mind gets lost. But the life force is eternal. Life is growing, multiplying, dying, dissolving, assimilated, eaten, digested, breathed in and breathed out.

The air I breathe, the water I drink has been part of living creatures over and over again.
Created from a seed, growing, making love, multiplying, dying, I am nature and I will never die.
Without life energy there would only be dead dry rocks and sand. 
Life is born out of the universal consciousness pouring out energy, observing all there is into being. We battle to fathom the vastness and multitude of this eternal play. 
But we see patterns how we feel, experience and love ourselves into being. 
We are a micro creation and part of the whole, not separated but woven into it, like a fibre in a timeless fabric.

Thursday, 10 October 2019

Karoo Sky

The vastness of the sky keeps me awake.
The quietness is humming in my head.
I breathe crisp cold air into my warm body.
The coolness shapes my arms, hands and head.
I breathe out aliveness.

Inside is outside and outside is inside.
My eyes see the stars into the endless universe.
Billions of years deep, in just a second of observation.
My eyes are God's eyes and God's eyes are my eyes.
My breath is God's breath and God's breath is my breath, now and in eternity.
Distance becomes closeness when my body is God's body.
The sky is inside of me as the cool gives me form.
This place, the Karoo, slows me down.

Humming vibration turns into slow rolling waves of observation, 
creation and dissolving into vastness, 
contracting into form with every in breath and pulsating with my beating heart.
All sensations are like a big piece of music played by the orchestra of awareness. 
Sounds of silence.

Connecting to the Rocks

  When I swim in the sea, I am close to and surrounded by the granite boulders which are so typical for the Cape coast. The rocks are calmin...