Saturday, 29 March 2014

Newlands Forest Polarities

This morning I went on a short walk picture hunting. I went on paths were I had not been before longing for what the forest has to say.
A small fire had cleared the ground and after the rain of this week a new forest started growing.
The forest is full of polarities this morning. Color full seduction and ....
feasting on the young innocent shoots.
Playful display of joy and......
covered spikynes.
Life giving patterns of flowing water and .....
patterns of hardness.

I see images of the Goddess from a .......
battered and broken tree.
Tentacles searching for the light......

and decay bathing in the morning sun.
The Goddess covers her creative force......
and seems to long for calm and rest.
But life pushes on, unfolding out of the earth over night....
ever new and ready to fly with new wings.

Saturday, 8 March 2014

City stroll to the Companie Gardens

My car is in for a major repair and I am using public transport. This morning I walked through the city up to the Companie Gardens to catch a bus to where I stay.
Walking up Long Street I saw this magical african display in a shop window.
Quite a contrast to St. Georges cathedral ..
and the black Madonna.
Outside some insurance buildings suggest solidity.

In the gardens I remember that Cecil Rhode's vision was as fleeting as the clouds in the sky.
On the ground and in the real are the beautiful flowers, fleeting but reborn again in a constant cycle of life.

Some are a fleeting temptation.
At the far end is a rose garden. For me this rose is the ultimate female expression in its ever changing image.

And there is the war memorial for the horses. This reminds me of the year of the horse which we are in, according to the Chinese lunar calendar.
The horse is my birth sign and makes me reflect on new projects, volatility and discernment to find the right path.

Connecting to the Rocks

  When I swim in the sea, I am close to and surrounded by the granite boulders which are so typical for the Cape coast. The rocks are calmin...